Welcome to a World Without Unions

In Shopping the Two Americas, Alex Beam describes the proliferation of dollar stores at the expense of the malls that cater to a shrinking middle class and quotes the CEO of Dollar General about soaring income inequality. Last night when we saw a local production of 9-5 The Musical (based on the 1980 movie) and found it dated, my wife Dolores figured out why: who today would dare complain about a salaried 40 hour per week job with benefits? Only the privileged enjoy such luxury now, while the rest scramble to assemble several part-time jobs, or work much longer “flexible” hours, often as “independent contractors”.

While economists claim the only way to increase pay is to increase “productivity” by placing more workers in categories that exempt them from overtime pay or in “casual employment,” we ask what happened to labor unions. They managed to increase pay and benefits, and create a thriving middle class. It’s clear what the world looks like in their absence. We have to find a way to bring them back.

[Submitted as a letter to the editor of the Boston Globe but not selected for publication.]